Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Nirbhaya- the girl who stirred our soul.

           World did not end on 21 /12/2012 as prophesied in the Mayan Eschatological myth ( maybe it would on  21-12-2112). But barely one week after this ominous day, the world of millions in India came to a sad end with the demise  of a brave 23 year old girl ( officially unnamed  so far ). Her low-key, unsung and  surreptitious cremation distressing as it was,  has also  demonstrated  the cowardice  of the rulers.  The palpitation of their heart was clearly heard by the people across the country.  Peaceful , candle-lights protest drove the political class into stupor for 13 days. Awakening of the lambs seemed  to have alarmed the wolves, So much so that the leading lights of all major political parties were  conspicuous by their  silence in the wake of  this tragedy. They were also, tactfully, absent from the scene. Those who ventured  were soundly rebuffed by the irate crowd and had to beat a hasty retreat. Smart ones like Kejriwal ,sensing the fiery mood at the gathering, left their political caps behind  to join the marchers. The worst-hit were incorrigible publicity hounds  known for their inane quotes for every occasion and on any subject under the sun.They had  vanished into thin air.  


            This veritable triumph of the unarmed  non-political class over the highly protected political elite should be disturbing to the latter. The sudden eruption over the Nirbhaya issue, led mostly by the youth, was somewhat a culmination of the pent-up anger of the apolitical  class against the well-entrenched politicians over their  apathetic inaction to find solutions to their day-to day problems flagged  by  the civil movements led by Anna Hazare and other activists since 2011. In coming months such agitations will be frequent.Come election time this year  or  next , those  presently reclining  in their  ivory towers  will have to  face the people at the gate. So please wake up, read the writings on the wall and go for mid course correction.

          Nirbhaya is dead. But to enable  her soul  rest in peace,we have to take effective steps to empower the system responsible to bring her tormentors  to justice and  put in place a dispensation which will ensure that acts of failure on the part of guardians of law does not get unpunished. Some of these steps could be :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Law and  Police :

  • Setting up of Special fast track courts in major cities/towns of  the country.
  • Amendment of the Indian Evidence Act and other relevant laws which are hindrance to a speedy trial process
  • Keeping in view increasing number of heinous crimes like rape and murder being committed by the juveniles,it would be necessary to lower the age bar  from the existing 18 to 16 years.
  • Setting up of modern forensic labs and optimal use of latest technology viz: GPS,CCTV, online database of petty criminals, verification of all drivers and supporting staff of public transport. Active patrolling by well-armed beat constables and PCR vans.
  • Protection to members of public who come forward to help police/victims. Their identity should be withheld and no inconvenience caused to them.It will increase the number of good samaritans in our society.
  • Cases to be supervised by DCP/JtCP - level officer
  • Sex-related offences to be treated as non-bailable offence and police given  custody of such  offenders. No adjournment after the commencement of day to day trials.
  • 90 days time-limit from filing of FIR to execution of punishment.

Quantum of punishment :

ü  5 years imprisonment for molestation. Denial of passport, driving licence and similar facilities including jobs by State/Central Govts.                  

ü  15 years imprisonment for rape for an offender below 16 years and 25 years for others.

ü  Life imprisonment, without parole, for rape and death of the victim.

ü  Death penalty for rape,death and acts of depravity or barbarity ( as in Nirbhaya's case)


·         No ticket  to sex-offenders for fighting elections right from the Panchayat/Ward level to the Parliament.

·         Sex-offenders already occupying political post be expelled.

            With the gradual erosion of human values in our society, break-up of the joint family, large scale migration of rural youth to towns/big cities for jobs, culture of  " Greed and Speed ", it is difficult to eradicate crime. But with the concerted efforts of  active judiciary, people-friendly police, sensitive politicians,vigilant media and alert common man, the crime graph can be brought down drastically in a year or two. All the stakeholders must come on board and share the grim responsibilities.      

          It was time Govt revealed Nirbhaya's real name and instituted a national award for bravery to honour her memory.This will inspire many to become Nirbhaya (Fearless) in future. It should not be difficult considering the fact that in this country we already have 51 awards named after 3 members of a single political family. One more award will not harm anybody.